Some Pre-Loved Treats...

Pre-Loved Update.

I went through all of the second hand products last week and gave the Pre-Loved area a bit of a makeover (It’s looking pretty good even if I say so myself!)

Right now the Pre-Loved section is packed with second hand cymbals, hardware, snare dums, drum kits and bits and bobs and looking fuller than I’ve ever seen it before, which means the web team have their work cut out!

So far this week Mick and I have been focusing on getting some more Pre-Loved drum kits up on the Drumshop website as there’s some really nice drum kits and shell packs that are for sale at unbeatable prices! With Mick taking the photos and checking the drum sizes and then sending them over to me to sort out and upload, it’s been team work at it’s best!

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Tama Swingstar Drum Kit

What Pre-Loved Drum Kits Do We Have Available?

As you know, Pre-Loved doesn’t necessarily mean old things that are past their best. Sometimes we get Pre-Loved items such as drum kits brought into us that have only been played a handful of times and have been well looked after and look as good as new! This is why we give each second hand product that’s uploaded to the Drumshop website a mark out of 10. 10 being top notch, excellent condition, 1 being poor quality, not very good condition… but I guarantee you you’ll never find any Pre-Loved items with a rating less than a 5! This is because each and every second hand item that comes into us is checked over and any faults or damages it may have are addressed and fixed before it’s photographed and put up for sale. As well as it’s score out of 10, each product has it’s own unique description, where you’ll find features and all other important info, so there’s no need to worry about that!

An example of a second hand drum kit that’s in tip top condition is the Tama Swingstar 5-Piece Drum Kit. We’ve given it a 9 out of 10 because it looks great and sounds great too! There’s a little scuff mark on one of the drum shells but other than that this drum kit could pass for new! It also comes complete with hardware and cymbals and would make the perfect beginner drum kit for any new drummer!

Not To Forget The Vintage Drum Kits!

Did you know we also have some second hand vintage drum kits that are looking for homes too?!

One of the vintage drum kits is the Hayman 4-Piece Vibrasonic Shell Pack. This special drum kit once belonged to the one and only Steve White!

Whitey has been in the drumming business for many years now and has a wealth of drumming knowledge that he shares through numerous drum clinics and classes. He’s been to Drum Shop UK a number of times… Keep a check on the Drumshop drummer’s diary, he’ll be back!

The Hayman Vibrasonic drum kit is in great condition as it has been recently restored by Nick Hopkin who specialises in vintage and classic drum kits and accessories. The Hayman second hand drum kit is ideal for all you drummers that love a bit of drumming history! As I’ve said before, This drum kit has already been played by one drumming legend…

If vintage drums are your thing I suggest you click here and take a look at out Vintage Drum Kits Section!

So, I’ve mentioned a couple of pre-loved drum kits above but here’s a list of the others that have been recently uploaded…

  • Mapex V Series 5-Piece Shell Pack
  • Pearl Forum 5-Piece Drum Kit in Air Force Blue
  • PDP X7 7-Piece Green Sparkle Shell Pack
  • Shine Select Custom 4-Piece Shell Pack

Oh and there’s more to come (in fact, that’s tomorrows plan) so keep checking back!
Maisie :)

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Hayman Vintage Vibrasonic Drum Kit

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Hayman Vintage Vibrasonic Drum Kit

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Mapex V Series Drum Kit

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved PDP X7 Drum Kit

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Sine Select Custom Drum Kit

Drum Shop UK Pre-Loved Sine Select Custom Drum Kit

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