Quick Junk Yard Blog
Today At Drum Shop UK.
Today has been 'sort out Junk Yard day’. I noticed that the Junk Yard section has been looking a bit empty lately and it was time to add some new drumming bargains!

You probably know all about Junk Yard by now and may have even grabbed some 'Junk’ yourself, but here’s a quick reminder…
Junk Yard is ideal for all you bargain hunters out there! Junk Yard products can be anything from second hand drum cases to rare, vintage drums that need some TLC! You’ll find cymbal stands, drum stands, drumming bits and bobs, cases and bags, cymbals, percussion instruments… In fact, there’s been pretty much every drum related produced in Junk Yard over the last year! The idea is you keep your eye on Junk Yard Junky’s 'cause you never know what might be added next, whether it be a discontinued stand you’ve been searching for or a snare drum that’s ready to be refurbished, there’s bound to be something that tempts you.
So now you’ve got a brief idea about Drumshop UK Junk Yard, scroll down for a list of all the products that I’ve just added… Or Click here to find out more about Junk Yard Junky’s!
This time it’s mainly drum and cymbal bags and cases, but there’s also a few drums and various pieces of hardware in there too!
- Stagg SH 10” Medium Splash Cymbal
- 14” Triple Flange Chrome Hoop
- Practice Pad Stand
- 10” x 8” Protection Racket Tom Bag
- Protection Racket 12” x 8” Tom Case
- Hardcase Free Floating Snare Kit Case
- 14” x 6.5” Protection Racket Snare Drum Bag
- Protection Racket 14” x 6.5” Rucksack Snare Drum Case
- 12” x 9” Protection Racket Tom Bag
- 16” X 16” Protection Racket Floor Tom Case
- Protection Racket 22” x 16” Bass Drum Case
- Vintage Tama Superstar 13” x 9” Tom
- GEWA 18” x 16” Bass Drum Case
Anything that takes your fancy this time?
Keep an eye out for more Junk Yard items being added!
Maisie :)