Mapex Drum Day another Success
Another Rip Roaring Successful Drum Day.
We had a great number of drummers from all backgrounds of musical tastes and a nice blend of old and young drummers who all came down to see what we had on show for out Mapex Drum Day.
The Mapex Saturn drum kits proved to be a major success with everyone. We had four Mapex drum kits available for everyone to take for test drives. There was a nice selection of Black Panther snare drums available to try. At one point we had about 6 or 7 drummers all playing individual parts and rhythms, 2 were on the Saturn drum kits and the others were playing the Black Panther snare drums. Also, on display were the awesome Falcon and Raptor single and double bass drum pedals.

There were lots of questions thrown at Paul Warsop (Mapex Rep), so we kept him busy most of the day but it was great for him to come in on his Saturday and give us a hand with everything, so thank you Mr Warsop :).
Drum Shop UK also introduced our new Nespresso lines Coffee’s which seemed to go down very well indeed with all that tired it out, along with all the donuts and muffins. We try to cater for all and hopefully give everyone who comes into Drum Shop UK a pleasant and memorable experience, even those who are not drummers can have a great day. :)
Let us not forget about the success of the £5 a pair of Vic Firth drumsticks, they went down a storm, I think everyone left with at least one pair under their arm.
Oh and a special thank you to Mark Richardson (drummer with Skunk Anansie and Feeder) for the Tweet!!
For all of you who came and made the Mapex Drum Shop day a success, let us say THANK YOU to you all.