Remo drumhead masterclass for tuning
Saturdays Remo drum tuning day.
Well if you are reading this then the likely hood is you have either had a great time or missed yet another great drumming event which drumshop UK have hosted. Today has been a mixture of different customers from all parts of the North East of England with Terry Collier and Derek Mc Ginty travelling all the way from Liverpool, thanks guys.
The day started off with me running to Greggs to get the Donuts ready for the day ahead for the drum fuelled day with tuning methods for every style being explained by drum tuning guru Jeff Davenport. The day started with two customers getting first hand knowledge from Jeff and tuning up their drums and hopefully gaining this valuable information.
One of the customers Steve Naisbett spent time getting to know his USA keller shelled drum kit made by Shine drums of which kit is sized 20 × 20 10 × 7 15 × 13 Steve has gone for the awesome Remo P4 powerstroke coated drum heads on his toms whilst going for Emperor coated drum heads on the bottom of the toms which give a really nice punchy sound for the style Steve is playing. drumshop uk supplied all of the drumheads at a discount and they were fitted on the day by Jeff and Steve so the customer has gone home very happy indeed.
The day also had a few of the guys from the Mike Dolbear forum who had seen the advert on the drummers website and turned up for some advice and one of these customers who is a regular here is Mark who brought down his Premier Genista drum kit in Mirror Chrome finish which sounded great as he opted for Remo Emperor coated drumheads on the bottom on the toms also, this kit sounded killer when fitted with Emperor drum heads and tuned, just right…..Thanks Mark
Too much to mention about today and I need to get out of the shop and go home so here’s quick run down of a few of the drum kits which were tuned and serviced with Remo drumheads, Drum Workshop drum kit in blue oyster, Premier Genista drum kit in mirror chrome, Sonor drums some vintage, Premier XPsK british made kits, Rock and Whiskey snare drums, Gretsch catalina maple snare drums and the lit goes on and on….
drumshop UK will definitely be having another drum tuning day as the steady happy people through the doors was a testament to how this drumming community is still growing here at drumshop UK.
Watch this space and a HUGE thank you to all involved Remo drums, EMD Music, Andy Thomas, Jeff Davenport, Lucky Gifford, George Rowan and of course most importantly the customers who braved the weather to come and talk drums, tune drums, drink Nespresso and eat donuts… Love you all