Gretsch USA Custom 3-Piece Micro-Bop Drum Kits

Exclusive to Drum Shop UK Only.

Gretsch USA Custom Micro-Bop Drum Kits in Store NOW!

Come and Test Drive One Today!

Yes, it is true. You will not find these two amazing Gretsch USA Custom Micro-Bop drum kits anywhere else in the world today, unless you are standing in our store. You will see them, you can even play these beautiful drum kits. Here at Drum Shop HQ we are a split camp as to which one is the best looking? We know how good they sound as they have been tested and put through a bit of demo drumming session. Awesome, that is how they sound. For such a small kit they can kick out some decibels.. But if you are a serious Jazz Drummer then there is a lot of control with these two beautiful Gretsch USA Custom drum kits.

Gretsch USA Custom Gold Glass Nitron exclusive to drumshop uk

We set both the Gretsch USA Custom Micro-Bop drum kits with Istanbul Mehmet Cymbals, using a Radiant 16” Crash Cymbal, an ElNegro Ride Cymbal, a Turk 16” crash cymbal with Traditional 14” Hi Hats. We also decided to set this Gretsch USA Custom Micro-Bop 3-piece shell pack with a Craviotto copper and brass hybrid masters metal series 14” x 5.5” snare drum which gave the Gretsch USA Micro-Bops an amazing all round sound.
These two Gretsch USA Micro-Bop 3-piece drum kits are not only very collectable, they look like pure class and sound like you would forever expect from such a high spec and top quality build from master drumsmiths. If you are looking at these tow drum kits, the hardest decision you will have to make is choosing either the Turquoise Sparkle Nitron or the Gold Glass Nitron. If only we could all be in that position, eh?

Gretsch USA Custom Round Badge drumshop uk

Drum kits like these are never out of your reach, we can make it possible with our 0% Finance, which lets you buy now and pay nothing unit next year. Just download the Barclay’s Finance Form and get it back to us. It’s as simple as that, easy-peasy!!

For more information please call us on 0191 4187113.
Keep checking our Blogs for the NEW Gretsch Limited Edition 130th Anniversary Drum Kits which are on their way soon.

Gretsch USA Custom drumshop uk

Gretsch USA Custom Micro-Bop Turquoise Sparkle drumshop uk

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