LP Americana Series Cajons

2 New LP Cajons To Choose from.

The Americana Series is in town.

Cajons are becoming ever more popular with the modern drummer and percussionist. These cool looking wooden boxes are great for the small up close and personal gigs and even when you are jamming the initial stages of that new international hit record. The LP Americana String and Snare are built to be played live and sound even better in the recording studio. Join the Cajon revolution it’s starting to move fast..!!

lp1437 LP Americana Series Cajons At The Drumshop UK

These two new cajons from LP have amazing sounds depending on which you would prefer to play. The Americana Series comes with either strings (LP1437), which can be tuned for extra dynamics and tones which is fitted with four custom vertical D’addario strings or you could choose the LP1438 Americana with snare wire. The Puresound Custom Brass snare wires which are fixed but deliver crisp and distinct sounds.

Both cajons are made from 11-ply of Baltic Birch and are finished in a satin stain. The front plate of the American String (LP1437) is made from African Sapele and the Americana Snare (LP1438) has a hybrid front plate combining Lyptus and Okoume

The Americana String (LP1437) Cajon

The Americana Snare (LP1438) Cajon

lp1438 LP Americana Series Cajons Drumshop UK

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