NEW! Junk Yard Junky's!

DSUK New Junk Yard Junky’s Category!

The whole idea behind Junk Yard Junky’s started off when we noticed the high demand for spare parts and bits and bobs, and so we came up with the the Junk Yard category on our site!

In our Junk Yard Junky’s section you will find discontinued stock, old stock, or products we haven’t had time to clean/repair available at unbelievably low prices.
It’s the ideal place to find bits and bobs for spares and repairs!

Drum Shop UK Junk Yard Junky's

If you’ve been looking for spare parts, you’ve probably noticed you can rarely buy exactly what you want, unless you get them in bulk or with other parts, but this way you can buy the parts you need and at a cheaper price. For example, we have a X7 Snare Shell for sale at a mega low price of £18.50, when the snare drum mechanism alone would set you back around £25! It sounds too good to be true but I assure you it’s not!

Not only is the Junk Yard Junky’s section full of spare parts and second hand products but also brand new items, still fully packaged such as the Yamaha CH740 Boom Arm. This product has now been discontinued and replaced by a newer model, and so we’re offering it to you from the Junk Yard Junky’s section at an unbeatable price.

We aim to constantly update the Junky’s Section, continuing to offer great prices for great items, and keep adding more products so there’s something for everyone! Remember, each item is a one off so grab it before it’s gone!

Junk Yard Junky’s is the place to find all the bargains, as the saying goes…

'One mans Junk is another mans Treasure!’
To check out the full range in our Junk Yard Junky’s category click HERE. You never know, you might just find that vintage item you’ve been looking for!

Maisie :)

Drum Shop UK Junk Yard Junky's Mapex Bass Drum

Drum Shop UK Junk Yard Junky's Yamaha CH6740 boom arm

Drum Shop UK Junk Yard Junky's
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