Have you heard of KickPort?!
KickPort Products…
If the answer to the question above is no and you haven’t heard of KickPort then keep reading… It might just change your drumming experience forever!
KickPort Sound Ports…
KickPort are the Leading Edge Sound Enhancemant for Drummers. KickPort brings you top-quality, reliable products such as sound ports for your bass drum and cajons as well as handy accessories like the D-Pad bass drum pads and reinforcing T-Rings which improve both the sound and performance of your bass drum.
The KickPort Sound Ports are ideal for you if you love playing loud music styles and still crave more volume! The KickPort Bass Drum sound port comes in four colours… chrome and gold at £42.95 or black and white at £39.95… all you have to do is choose which colour will suit your drum kit!
The Bass Drum and Cajon Sound Ports are easy to install and you’ll notice an instant change in sound once they’ve been fitted.
The CajonPort is loved many percussionist’s including Master Percussionist Pedro Barriera who said… “I recommend it to every percussionist and cajon player around the world – you must use the CajonPort!”
KickPort is loved by many professional drummers such as Gregg Bissonette (Maynard Ferguson, Jonathan Moffett (Michael Jackson, Jackson 5, Madonna) and David Lee Roth, Toto, Ringo Starr), Dennis Chambers (Santana, George Duke, David Sandborn and many more)
KickPort D-Pads…
The KickPort D-Pads are available in black or white and are definitely a handy bass drum accessory to have! These Bass Drum Pads not only protect your drum head whilst playing but also strengthen the playing area. You can use the D-Pas for double pedals, as well as single. The D-Pad helps focus the attack, bringing you an outstanding sound every time.
KickPort T-Rings…
Similar to the KickPort D-Pads, these cool little gadgets have been created to improve both the sound and performance of your bass drum. They are also available in black or white, and simply stick on your bass drum head and act as a reinforcing ring to prevent tearing and splitting around the 'cut-out’ port. The T-Ring works great with the KickPort Sound Ports but is also highly effective when used on it’s own. You can also use the T-Ring as a template when cutting a 5.50” port into their drum head in preparation for the KickPort Sound insert.
All of these KickPort products are on their way to Drum Shop UK and are due to arrive any day now. We also have all these products available to view and buy online.
Watch the videos below to see just how easy it is to install your KickPort!
Video- How to install your KickPort:
Video- How to install your Cajon Sound Port:
Let us know what you think of the KickPort products!
P.S. KickPort images will be uploaded as soon as they arrive and I photograph them!