Geoff Hutchinson - Teaching Session

Geoff Hutchinson – The Master!

What an awesome day with many talented drummers and tutors. It all started at 3pm with Martyn Kane giving an excellent demonstration and a talk about his playing to drum tutors based from around the region. Martyn is currently playing with Kyle Eastwood.

On the evening (from 7pm) we had a few snacks and beers for all to enjoy. This was also Geoff Hutchinson’s Leaving party from the Northumberland Music Service where a lot of his friends and former students (Martyn Kaine being one) turned up to wish him well after many years of teaching.

Geoff still continues to be the finest educator and is currently now spending time working with the students at Newcastle University, young drummers in the region and we are lucky enough to have Geoff as an adviser to our in house tuition team.

It was a fantastic evening with some great drumming styles from some great new drummers.. We wish you well Geoff…From all of us here at Drum Shop UK xxx

Geoff Hutchinson - Teaching Session

Geoff Hutchinson - Teaching Session

Geoff Hutchinson - Teaching Session

Geoff Hutchinson Drummer

Andy Tuning a vintage Slingerland drum kit
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