Dream Lion China Cymbal Winners!


There was no order of 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Just a case of whoever rang up 1st got the pick of the three that were up for grabs..

1. Nathan Flaherty

Nathan won the 18” Dream Lion China Cymbal. We hope it comes in useful with the rest of Nathan set up? Well Done Nathan.

2. Ash Springle

Ash won the 16” Dream Lion China Cymbal. Ash informs us that he is very happy with his new cymbal, he was even using it this Tuesday gigging at Southampton Joiners with his band Kids Can’t Fly…
Check them out Kids Can’t Fly...We think they’re great!

3. Jay Pratt

Excellent, We eventually got hold of David (sorry Jay). Jay said, “I got the cymbal, really chuffed with it. It cuts through beautifully for a cymbal of that size has a sweetness I don’t have in my other china cymbals. Best of all it was free !”
Jay plays in a couple of bands, 45 RPM and The Holy Mountain Boogie Men.

Well Done to All

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