Drums, Percussion, Police and Dog Wee
This week has been another fun filled eclectic week!! Nothing really to review this week, as I haven’t time, so I’ll just tell you what I’ve been up to.
The week started with the first few nights of the Panto which went smoothly, with only minor changes to the show itself. The dog got sacked after peeing on the stage, and I managed to partly solve the problem I had with the pad not triggering correctly. I noticed it was set on the brain as a Roland PD8 electronic pad, when it was actually a Roland PD80 Mesh head electronic pad. It is a little bit better but does still miss on the odd occasion.

On the Friday, 15 minutes before starting the second Panto show of the day, a percussion gig comes in for that night starting at 11!! Which meant a quick dash home after the panto and straight to the night club, where it was myself and Cafe Del Mar artist sax player John McGough playing to a DJ, always a good laugh!
The gig with the Danny Allan Band on Tuesday was a very small venue however was a really fun night after a few hiccups with the Hammond organ were sorted. I picked up my Ludwig 400 snare drum on Wednesday and its first outing was with RJ Thompson on the Thursday, I hadn’t had much time to tweak it but it still sounded amazing nonetheless. Whilst I was at the shop picking up the Ludwig 400 snare drum I picked up an LP Vari-Tone Shaker from the great LP display that has just been put in. The shaker does exactly what it says on the tin! You can vary the tone by squeezing the shaker, a great concept and it works very well. However, give this to a sax and trumpet player along with the LP One Shot Shaker and it will blow their minds!!! Gave these to “RJ Thompson(RJ Thompson)”:http://www.rjthompsonmusic.com/'s brass section and it had them amused for hours!! Although I must say the first track they used them in I was like “Wow!!!” It was like a whole samba band had come on stage, brilliant!!!

The following Friday was a function gig on percussion for a band from Hudderfield, at RAF Fylingdale, which was fairly scary turning up in the middle of nowhere in the Yorkshire moors and you all of a sudden have a police man pointing a machine gun at the car, nice!!! The guys were great and very welcoming, however I was a very tired boy for the two panto shows the next day, nearly missed a 'boing’ or two in the slop scene.
Finally I would like to take this oppourunity to say congratulations to my student Charlie Vasiliou for reaching the final 10 of Young Drummer of the Year competition for the second year running, fingers crossed!! I would also just like to say thank you, for your continued support and great ideas for the blogs, I will be working my way through them in the new year, some include …producers beats vs drummers beats, grids, LA music, electronics along side acoustic drum kits plus many more…. keep them coming. I’ll be testing the Yamaha DTX950K electronic drum kit at the beginning of January can’t wait!!
If I don’t post another blog before Christmas I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, if your not gigging ;)
All the best