Pre Loved Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit

Only just in, Roland TD12KX.

A very much valued and trusted customer of ours here at Drum Shop UK has only briefly owned and used this Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit. He decided to upgrade to the Roland TD20KX Electronic drum kit. Therefore his old TD12KX electronic drum kit is soon to be going into our Pre Loved section with all the other amazing second hand drum kits, as soon as I complete this blog and get better shots (without Wez).

Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit at the drumshop uk

Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit at the drumshop uk

Anyway, Wez could not wait to get this TD12KX Electronic drum kit set up to ensure everything is working (a likely story). Once he had it all set up we couldn’t get him off it. Wez told me after that it is an awesome kit to play with the real feel mesh heads and amazing sounding drum samples to choose from. This is as close as you get to the real deal..!

To buy this electronic drum kit from new it will retail at around £3500.00. When this actual Roland TD12KX Electronic drum kit goes live in our Pre Loved section it will be available for £1899.00. This is an incredible deal for anyone wanting a awesome electronic drum kit.. I wonder if it sells before I actually get it into our Pre Loved Section..

If you are interested in this Roland TD12KX electronic drum kit then please call us on 0191 418 7113

I have added some photos of Wez enjoying his job here at Drum Shop UK. Doesn’t he look like one of those Cybermen off Doctor Who with those earphones on..?? hahaha!! We luv him really..!!


Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit at the drumshop uk

Roland TD12KX Electronic Drum Kit at the drumshop uk

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