Quality Beginner Drum Kits from Sonix
Sonix gets Drum Shop UK’s thumbs up approval.
It’s been a busy couple of days here at Drum Shop UK but eventually I have got round to sorting out the three different levels of Sonix Entry Level Drum Kits. Starting from the Standard Package which gets you a 5-Piece drum kit, with hardware, a 16” crash cymbal and a pair of 14” Hi Hats. We have found that the build quality is just that little bit better with the Sonix drum kits making them more durable and longer lasting plus the hardware seems to be a lot more sturdy too.

Following on with the Gold Package, this is the same set up as the standard package but for an extra £20 you get a full set of Evans drum heads worth over £90 fitted to your drum kit. This is an awesome deal as the Evans drum heads really do make a massive difference to how your drum kit will sound. The Evans EMAD bass drum head gives you that extra bit more punch and clarity. The Evans G2 clear tom heads consist of a two-ply head that gives you durability and the perfect blend of depth, sustain and attack that you would want from a good tom head. Also included is a the G1 coated snare drum head which is a single ply head giving you plenty of expression and durability..
Finally, if you want to start as you mean to go with your drumming career we have introduced the Sonix Platinum Package. This is a great package as it includes the Evans heads upgrade plus a 3 cymbal set of Paiste PST3 cymbals – Yes, we try to give you every option here at Drum Shop UK.
I have added a few photographs for you to look at.. We all like the Blue Sonix Drum Kit here at Drum Shop UK HQ..
Enjoy yourself
MC :)X