Thank you Yamaha, Ash Soan, Neil Wilkinson
Another great night at Drum Shop UK with Yamaha Drums.
You may already know we had a drum event on last night with Yamaha Drums UK featuring Neal Wilkinson and Ash Soan, what a great night.
Although I was worn out last night due to a very busy week the adrenaline started pumping when I met Ash, Neal and Gavin here are three guys at the top of their game in the drumming world. It was great to see such well known studio and live drummers Ash and Neil visiting us here at our drum shop in Washington Tyne and Wear. When I first met the guys in the afternoon my introduction was strange to say the least as when introduced to the guys our French Bulldog 'Boris’ decided to attack me whilst I was trying act cool, this did not work as the dog persisted in chewing at my new Moncler trainers which I had worn for the occasion. This was extremely embarrassing as the dog had a hold of my foot and I had to explain that Boris had never done this before, a bit like blowing a snot bubble out of your nose when you meet a girl for the first time!

Anyway once I had prized the dogs jaw from my leg we proceeded with the introductions and what I immediately found were two Guys who are the most passionate people you will meet, no wonder they get the gig. As I started talking to the guys I could see Neil’s eyes wandering around some of the vintage drums, that was it off we went on a journey of nostalgia. Neil informed of something new which I had never known or maybe I did and just plain forgot, the Ludwig 'New Yorker’ an old Ludwig drum kit which had a 12” deep bass drum which was ideal for putting in the old New York cabs 22” x 12” bass drum one rack tom and a snare drum. What an idiot I have been over the past twenty five years not knowing this, so all those 'New Yorker’ drum kits we have had come into the shop for the past twenty years and we have turned them away because the floor tom was missing, and they only wanted £50.00 for the drum kit, what a fool I have been? I could have stood with Neil all night just talking about vintage drums, a true gent.
As the customers started to arrive Neil and Ash were preparing for a meet and greet with the drumstars pupils, these are the younger kids who attend our drumstars teaching studio’s which is sponsored by Yamaha drums, a great opportunity to talk and get their Evans drum head signed which had been very kindly provide by Simon Turnbull from D’Addario UK. I think these two guys had a good message for the kids 'Play for the song’ words to my ears, as they said 'its all about the song’.
The drumming and chatter lasted around two hours and we were treat to some fantastic sounds and passion. This drum clinic was not about running around the drum kit at 500BPM but simply how to play a great song and play on a great record.
Ash and Neil both played the new Yamaha Club Custom drum kits which sounded fantastic. Its rare that a drum kit comes out in new 'retro’ colour’s, different sizes, new wood with awesome sounds that surprise me but this kit does, I recommend you have a look at these drum kits. Ash played the orange swirl kit and Neil had the black swirl both inspired by that vintage look without have a wrap on the shell, great!
As usual the question and answer section came and went with the usual tumble weeds blowing past everybody wanting to ask a question but only a handful of people having the nerve to ask, I can never understand why this happens?
I would like to thank everybody for turning up as these events put massive workloads for all concerned, a huge thank you to all the staff for helping out and of course Gavin Thomas Yamaha drums main man.
Thanks for reading and any information you need on the Yamaha drums please feel free to contact me.