Raw aka Rock & Whiskey Drum Co.

So excited today!

As a few of our customers know we have been working with a new brand RAW Drums for over the last 12 months now, here’s a taste of what’s happening…

Busy week at RAW HQ.

We got some fresh shells of all varieties in and ready to rock, some incredible kit and snare designs in the mix, RAW badge design approved, ordered and in production and what is setting off to be a family of some incredible artists and players any drum company will be proud of!

We have never been more excited to unleash what we have under wraps, the designs we have conjured, the drums we have built and to show you all what we have been working extremely hard on over the past 12 months.

RAW Drums arriving from all over the world, LA, Italy, Germany, Far East, UK and all we need now is a supplier in Dubai and our work is done!

Proud to be RAW!

Keep checking back for more updates!


The Rock & Whiskey Drum Co.
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