Craviotto Drums

Craviotto Drums and Drum Shop UK.

Its official Drum Shop UK are the largest stockist of the world’s finest drums.

Wez and Andy have just returned from meeting with Johnny and Joe from Craviotto drums checking out some of the world’s finest drums.

Craviotto Copper Snare Drums at Drumshop UK

What was new? well Andy decided to buy 2 of the new copper series snare drums, these beauties are limited to only 50 pieces worldwide. He managed to get number 10 of a 14 × 5.5 and number 10 of 14 × 6.5, these are beautiful, a matching pair get your cheque books out and buy the pair.

The boys also manged to grab a one off piece a solid shell black snare with the trade mark diamond’s in silver sparkle.

There are many snare drums on the way and a one off piece which is a hybrid drum kit which comprises of Walnut, Cherry and Maple. This is a one off piece.

A solid ash kit is also in the mix in 22 10 12 14 with matching 14 snare drum.

Check out some of the drums Drum Shop UK have in stock... The largest stock of Craviotto drums in the UK!

Craviotto drum kits Drumshop UK

Craviotto drums Drumshop UK

Craviotto drums Drumshop UK

Craviotto drums Drumshop UK

Craviotto drum kit Drumshop UK

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