NEW DW Drum Kits In Stock!

New DW Drum Kits Added!

We have just recently updated our DW drum kit section.

The new order that came over from U.S.A is straight on our website for all you drummers.

Pictures will follow at a later date and we will let you know when (Keep watching this space!)

Have a read of some of our new drum kits, New sizes and new finishes that look and sound fantastic!

Some of the Drum Kits Added:

  • DW Collectors Drum Kit In A Broken Glass Finish With Chrome Hardware
  • DW Collectors Drum Kit In A Red Silk Onyx Finish With Black Hardware
  • DW Classic Drum Kit In A Vintage Marine Finish With Chrome Hardware

and many more!

DW are one of the biggest name in the drumming world and we support them all the way!

They have and always will make fantastic drums that sound and look amazing!

DW Jazz drum kit Drum Shop UK

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