Win A GoPro Camera!

Win A GoPro Camera Worth £359!

Win A Camera!

So, here’s what you have to do…

1. Take a video you think we’d like to see.

This can be pretty much anything…Your Journey to drumshop? Your band rehearsing/playing? Act out a sketch? Something funny? Your day at work? The list goes on! (You can use your iPhone, Tablet, Camera or any other device to make your film.)

2. Be Creative.

You’re more likely to stand out if you’re creative with your video – meaning you’re more likely to win the GoPro HERO 3+ Camera!

3. Be funny, serious, mad, crazy or stupid its up to you!

... But don’t be rude!

4. Post a link of your video to us.

When you’ve got your footage, upload it to YouTube (or your favourite video-place) and paste the link in the box at the bottom of this page! The title of your video MUST include the Drumshop UK GoPro Competition.

Win a GoPro Camera at Drumshop UK


This competition is open to everyone – not just drummers!

Competition closes Wednesday 28th May 2014

The winner will be contacted on the 28/5/14 & must be available to come in store at Drumshop on Saturday 31/5/14 where they will be presented with their GoPro Camera by a special guest!

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