Holidays are Comin'! Drum Shop Update...

Busy Busy Busy!

We've all been so busy lately with Christmas coming up and I haven't managed to write a blog in sooo long, so I've decided to take some time out to update you all what's been going on at Drumshop during this busy time of year!

New Website...

As I'm pretty sure you will have noticed, we now have a brand new Drumshop website! We switched the new website over at the beginning of November and we've had some really positive feedback, which is great to hear! I hope you like it too?! Our new website has been built around our customers thoughts and ideas as well as a lot of hard work from everyone.

As well as adding products and taking orders, I have also been working on a few new pages on our website and I'd like to share them with you... My favourite page is the History of Drumshop Timeline.

This page shows our story, from where we started, right through to where we're are now! I joined drumshop in 2012, so it was really interesting for me to put this 'drumshop story' together. I will be adding more and more items to this page as time goes on, this could include drum clinics that we've held, a new product which we've launched or a celebrity that's popped in the shop, anything which we feel is an important part of the drum shop story! Our timeline is far from finished and I'll also be going back in time and adding more posts as I find out more about the journey of drumshop!

You can check out the Drumshop timeline by clicking here.

New Products...

Since we've switched over to our new website, we've added lots of new products from drum kits and snare drums to African percussion and cool gifts, just in time for Christmas!

Alesis - We noticed we were receiving a lot of enquiries for electronic drum kits, not only from new drummers but from professional drummers too, so we've now expanded our electronic drum kit section both online and in our store. We now have Roland drum kits, Yamaha electronic drum kits, KAT digital drum kits, HXM electronic drum kits AND Alesis electronic drum kits available! We're also working on a very special something in store with our electronic kits, keep your eyes peeled!

African Percussion - This is just the start of the percussion we have available! We've just added a new section to our website called World Percussion, 'cause we don't just sell drum kits, we have a range of percussion instruments online and in store too! The African Percussion brings you all kinds of drums and instruments from doum doum drums to Caxixi's, Shekere's and other African hand percussion. There's also some handy African Percussion sets on there too which are great for groups and schools.

Popular Products...

Just like every Christmas, lots of people are looking for beginner drum kits for their children, partners and sometimes themselves! We're proud to say that we have a wide range of starter drum kits available from a range of brands and in a wide selection of sizes and colours. Only problem is, this can get confusing for non-drummers, right? Well that's why we're here to help! 

A popular beginner drum kit this year has been the Mapex Tornado entry level drum kits. These come in either blue, black or red and have a couple of different drum kit configurations. If you need any help choosing the right drum kit, we're just a phone call away! I have also written a 'New to drumming' guide for new drummers which might help answer any questions you may have. (You can also find out about our Drumstars drum lessons here too.)

If you're looking for a present for the drummer in your life (or just wonna treat yourself) then take a look at these drummers gift ideas below!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Maisie :)


Although we'll try our best, we cannot guarantee Christmas delivery for all products, so if you're concerned, please give us a call/email before ordering!

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