RAW Drum Thrones - Now In Stock

We've barely had time to catch our breath here, its been an extremely busy few weeks here in Drum Shop UK, we've received a serious influx of new stock and theres still more to come. The latest items to take the shop by storm are these two fantastically crafted and extremely comfortable RAW drum thrones.

RAW Steve McQueen Drum Throne

RAW is a brand which we have developed gradually here at the Drum Shop and is very close to home for us all. Its always maintained high standards both in its manufacture and its aesthetics. The quality is there for all to see and lets be honest it just looks cool as a polar bears toe nails.

I love these new drum stools and if I hadn't just took the plunge a month or two ago and purchased an awesome pork pie drum throne from the shop I would definitely be getting involved in a bit of this RAW Drum Throne Action!!!

The RAW stools are available in two colours, black with and orange rally stripe and orange with a white rally stripe.

Get in on this people, they've only been in a day and they're flying out. Great Christmas Present too.

RAW Drum Throne BlackRAW Drum Throne Orange

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