Yamaha DTX Drums Free Event @ drumshop.....

Yes folks its the Yamaha Electronic drums event on 'Bonty' night November 5th. 

I'm super excited that Yamaha Music UK have decided to host an open night demonstrating their fantastic DTX electronic drums range.

Note the date: November 5th 2015, 'Bonty' night, 6pm at Drumshop UK

For your free ticket call us on 0191 4187113

Yes folks pop down for free beers and pizza night and have good old drum natter.....

As you may or may not know Yamaha have been the fore runner in the digital drums market with fantastic drum kits such as the original Yamaha DTX I II and so on. I've always been a sucker for the Yamaha electronic kits over others as these are real sampled, layer drums...yes actual recording of drums, yes acoustic drums... so a firm favorite of mine. The new kits are now incorporating silicone snare drum pads and the higher models having full silicone pads throughout the drum set.

The purpose of the event is to show and demonstrate the drum kits with Q&A's from drummers and non drummers answered by the Yamaha staff along with Simon Edgoose the demonstrator. The evening will start at 6pm on 5th of November 2015 so we may hear a few strange bangs and rockets going off but that will not effect the sound of the drums...

The Yamaha DTX range have been selling really well for us here at Drum Shop I guess a lot of customers have been recommended to try the Yamaha kits and having the facilities to 'try before you buy' does make the difference before committing to purchase. We do have all the Yamaha DTX models here available to try and this event will also help customers to decided on which brand or model they prefer.

Yamaha also released a free app for iOS which teaches you the basic skills of drumming from correctly holding the sticks to playing your first beat. It's best suited for the Yamaha DTX400 Drum kits and it's a great companion for every drummer out there. Come at the event and find for yourself how this app works and a lot more from the Yamaha staff.

If you need any help, please don't hesitate to give us a call and we'll sort it out for you. Also, if you enjoyed this article, don't be shy and press that share button.

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