Why Sam Had an Electric Christmas

Making sure that everyone gets their Christmas deliveries on time is super important to the Drumshop team and we always go to extremes to make the festive period perfect for our customers; we're basically Santa's elves. As we all know, Christmas is a busy time of year but we always manage to pull through and nothing makes us happier here at Drumshop than getting good feedback from our customers.

This year Tracy Dawson made her sons Christmas electric when she bought him a Roland TD-30. Her son, Sam, has been having Drumstars drum lessons with drum tutor Rhys and decided it was time to get his very own electronic drum kit.

Drumstars drum lessons take place at Drumshop HQ on Saturdays and Sundays. Drumstars drum school has been established for a very long time with drum tutors who are passionate and dedicated drummers. Some of our Drum stars have gone on to study with Steve White, Geoff Hutchinson, Mike Mangini and lots more.

The drum booths are complete with two Yamaha electronic drum kits, one for the tutor and one for the student. Each room has a window so that whoever has brought the drummer can watch without having to be in the booth with them. There is also a lounge area with a TV where you can sit and wait for your drum star with a cup of tea. If you're interested in drum lessons, check out the Drumstars website or call us on 0191 418 7113.

Sam has been playing drums for 2 years. He takes part in school concerts and plays a snare drum at Air Training Corp. Recently, he represented the region playing solo side drum which is extremely impressive. Sam is super happy with his Roland TD-30. He said that his favourite features are the playability and quality of sound... take it from someone who knows!

The Roland TD-30 is very articulate and musical. This unbelievably realistic electronic drum kit is perfect for most musical situations such as recording and live performances. The Roland TD-30 sounds the most like an acoustic drum kit out of all the electronic drums out there.

We're really happy that Sam is having fun with his TD-30 and look forward to future drum lessons with him. Check out the photo of him with his kit and may I point out, his Drumshop hoodie! If you haven't already, have a read through my hoodie blog, I promise its a good read!

 Roland TD-30

Thanks for reading :) don't forget to follow me on Twitter @theadrum

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