Ben is loving his Drum Shop goodies!

It is always brilliant to get positive feedback on our products and when happy customers email in pictures of themselves with their purchases it never fails to put a smile on our faces! 

One customer in particular, Ben, was so happy with his hoodie that he just couldn't bring himself to take it off once he tried it on in our shop! Take a look at Thea's blog on our lovely warm Drum Shop hoodies if you would like to know more! 

But, Ben was also surprised with a set of Istanbul Traditional Cymbals for Christmas and also to celebrate him passing his Grade 5 drum exam. Well done Ben, that is quite the achievement! His collection of cymbals then grew even further when he received another Istanbul Traditional 18" Dark Crash, an Istanbul Radiant 10" Splash and a really funky Tycoon Cowbell for his birthday this year! 

Rock on Ben! 

Ben is loving his Drum Shop UK Hoodie and Istanbul Cymbals from usIf you have bought any drumming goodies from us and would like to let us know what you think, get emailing your pictures to! 
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