Park your bum on a Pork Pie Drum Throne!

Park your bum on a Pork Pie Drum Throne!

"Pork Pie, drum thrones made by an american". They're here and they're fabulous.  We have just added several Pork Pie products on our website, including drum thrones and snare drums and they are wow!

One of my favourite Pork pie thrones is the Flat Orange and Black one. This drum throne features our official colours, Orange & Black, and it's soooo comfi. It also fits perfectly with the Drumshop hoodie.

Pork Pie Flat Orange and Black Drum Throne

The Pork Pie drum thrones are among the most popular thrones on the drumming market as drummers all around the world love them as much as we do. They come in a wide range of shapes and colours you can choose from and packed with top features.

Pork Pie Drum Thrones

We have also added a couple of Pork Pie Snare Drums on our website and they are just as fabulous as the drum thrones.  They come in a variety of sizes and finished you can choose from and they do great in a wide range of musical situations. They will go well with your Pork Pie throne.


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