Are you Homepage worthy?
Do you Live, Breathe & Love Drums? THEN SHOW IT!
Here at Drum Shop we LOVE seeing your drumming snaps and we love nothing better than sharing them with other likeminded musicians! But what, why and how do you use #DrumShopUK?
What is #DrumShopUK ?
A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the hash sign (#), most commonly used on social media websites and applications. It is used to identify messages on a specific topic. So quite simply #DrumShopUK is our way of keeping in touch with everyone who uses #DrumShopUK. We can join in on drumming conversations, see your drumming photographs and all round keep the social drumming circle alive!
Why Should I use #DrumShopUK ?
Well there are many reasons for using our hashtag, firstly, it is a fantastic way of keeping in touch with us which is always a winner! Secondly, by using our hashtag it gives you the chance to be featured on both our Instagram Gallery within our website and our homepage! You can find all of the images that have the hashtag #DrumShopUK attached to the photo on Instagram through our gallery, so if you've tagged or used our hashtag then we will know all about it! Lastly, by sharing your images of your new purchase, you rocking out or even a snap of your set up you are bound to inspire, educate and probably help another drummer who may be looking for inspo, looking to see see how other drummers work or just looking to talk to a like minded drum player!
Not only that each month we will pick one overall winner and that lucky soul will receive something super special! What's the prize you may ask, well you'll just have to enter to find out!
How do I use #DrumShopUK ?
It is incredibly easy, all you have to do is post any or all of your drumming photos and use our hashtag, #DrumShopUK. This allows us to see your pics and decide whether or not they should make it to the gallery!
Once you've posted keep one eye on our website, but be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see if you've made it to the infamous Drum Shop Insta Gallery! Not only that, every week we choose our very favourite snaps and those bad boys make it to the one, the only Drum Shop homepage! Our website receives thousands and thousands of visits per week, so imagine the traffic you'll receive to your very own Insta account!
Need some inspo? Well don't you worry because we've got lots and lots of inspo on our Insta Gallery already, so be sure to check it out by clicking here. From Drum Shop selfies to baby drummers in training, studio set ups to stylish cymbal shots you're sure to find it all in our gallery!
Want to know the best part! There are absolutely no guidelines, your picture can be as simple or as complicated as you like! There is only one rule it must be drumming related, now you can adhere to this rule as loosely as you like but we want to see some cool, imaginative shots of your kit, your work space, your drumming haul and any and everything else drumming related!
To get you started here are some pretty cool shots that we've taken a fancy too, perfect for some inspiration!
Here are some of the snaps that made it onto our homepage!
We love seeing your drumming pictures on Instagram, so make sure to post a few cool snapshots of your purchases from us and don't forget use our hashtag!
Don't think your hard work will be for nothing oh no, we're only fair and we want to reward you guys for all your hard work! So we've decided to make this worth your while! Every month we will pick our favourite snaps, the best of which will make it onto our homepage. Out of the best of the best we will pick one overall winner per month and they will receive something super special, which you'll have to enter to find out what it is!