Drummers it's Deaf Awareness Week
Open your Ears it's #DeafAwarenessWeek2017
So for those of you who don't know this week is Deaf Awareness Week 2017, of which we are sure the hashtag #DeafAwarenessWeek will be trending over social media and if it's not then it should be!
Ear health is SO important and it's something a lot of us take for granted, until we have a problem or god forbid it's too late. Drummers and musicians in particular are super susceptible to ear problems due to the continued use of loud noise surrounded by the drums we know and love. Take Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich for example, in the earlier days of his career Lars openly admits to playing without the use of any protection. Not long into his career Lars started to experience signs of hearing loss and tinnitus, all of which could have been avoided with ear protection. To learn more about Lars Ulrich's story in this recent CNN article click here.
Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich suffers with hearing loss
A recent statistic from Action on Hearing Loss, one of the largest UK charities involved with tackling hearing loss has brought to light that more than 11 million people in the UK have some form of hearing loss, that equates to 1 in 6 people of the UK population, that is a staggering statistic that we here at Drum Shop are keen to make you guys aware of! If you're one of the drummers who religiously wears their ear protection then we salute you! For those of you who think it looks uncool then we need to change your thinking, take a look at some of the best ear protection we have available here at Drum Shop and let's see if we can lower this statistic one drummer at a time!
A recent statistic from Action on Hearing Loss, one of the largest UK charities confronting hearing loss
From ear plugs to ear muffs there's something for every type of musician and gone are the days where ear protection was big and unsightly...oh no, ear protection products are getting more and more discreet as technology evolves! So below we have pulled together a few of our favourites from Doc's Pro Plugs to Vic Firth, Ahead to Alpine there will certainly be something for you!
Doc's Pro Plugs Non Vented Without Leash
First up is a pair of non vented ear protectors from Doc's Pro Plugs that are available in a range of sizes, from 'Tiny' to 'XX Large' you're sure to find a size that will fit your ear! Created using hypoallergenic kraton they reduce the sound by approximately 30db, they block out high frequencies but still retain a sense of clarity, allowing you to hear music and communicate without any trouble! A super feature of these protectors is they are suitable for anyone who has a perforated ear drum. Available for just £14.00 you have the choice of three colours, Blue, Pink and Clear, so you're sure to find a colour that matches your style!
Like the thought of these plugs but worry that once you put them down you'll never find them again, well don't you fret because you can also purchase Doc's Pro Plugs Vented Clear Ear Protectors with a Leash for just £15.99, which you can lay round your neck with no worry of loosing those all important plugs!
Alpine Ear Muffs for Drummers
Next up is the Alpine Ear Muffs designed for drummers which come in at £23.99. A little bit more expensive than the previous ear protectors however they have been designed specifically with musicians in mind and are a perfect for use when you are practicing or rehearsing. Obviously they are less discreet than some of the previous products we have shown you, but they are up there in terms of comfort, a soft headband, that has a foldable design not only performs it allows you to play for hours on end without feeling any discomfort. Perfect for a drummer on the go, they have the ability to reduce sound by 25db and have an adjustable design so one size fits all.
Ahead Custom Moulded Ear Plugs
Ahead bring you ear plugs that area completely custom fit for your ears, if you are wanting plugs that aren't a one size fits all then you need these plugs! They are completely custom because they are moulded to you ear shape using a non-toxic hypo-allergenic silicone. It is super simple to use and only take 10 minutes of your life to achieve a soft and permanent fit that is super long lasting! All you have to do is mould the hypo-allergenic silicone to your ear and leave to set, a top tip is to refrain from moving your jaw whilst in the process of moulding. Once this is done you will have comfortable plugs that allow you to hear your drums but with more protection, reducing the noise by 26db all for just £24.00.
That is just a snap shot of the products we have available, for a wider selection of Ear Protection products, check out the Drum Shop website. The most expensive item we sell in terms of ear protection is £24, that is such a small price to pay for securing the health of your ears! If you don't currently use ear protection we hope that after reading this post you will start to consider the health of your ears more seriously! More than anything we want you guys to have a long happy and healthy life filled with drumming, if you agree then share this post and help other drummers drum with perfect ear health!
Want to discuss more about the Ear Protection we have available then give us a call on 0191 4187113 to learn more or pop into Drum Shop and see what we have to offer!