Drumming Way Back When

We've all started somewhere!

Inspired by Rhythm Magazine's recent Inspiration Issue, we put it to the Drum Shop community on Facebook to share with us your earliest drumming picture and we loved seeing some of the vintage finds you guys managed to come up with! As promised here's a round up of our three favourite drumming snaps as shared by you guys! 

David Burnip

Our first favourite comes from David Burnip, we love this heartfelt family photo and love that this baby is so at home with a pair of drumsticks! One thing to also admire is this super cute geo knitted jumper, loving the retro 80's vibes. Looks like the making of a great drummer to us!

Dave Johnson

Next up is Dave Johnson who shared with us this picture taken sometime in the 1970's and boy everything from Dave's shirt to the drum kit, those curtains to that cheeky grin, it all screams retro and we love it! 

Darren Chell 

Our third and final favourite comes from our very own Drum Shop Darren! This photo was taken in Darren's middle school in 1981, we love the old school days vibe from this picture and love the notion of revisiting warm summer days where it felt like the day lasted a lifetime!

"I performed with the school band at the fete. I remember playing the theme to “The Sweeney” and “Eye Level”. A couple of weeks later I played along to the record - “Open Your Heart” by the Human League in school assembly by myself. Check out the Tom Tom on a snare drum stand. I was doing it long before the recent trend (due to un-drilled bass drums!!)"

Even from a young age Darren was au fait with the drums and has as much passion now as he did back then! Check out the Olympic drum kit he's playing on, what a classic! 

Like what you see and want to see more or even submit your own way back when drumming snap? Then get over to Facebook and take a look here.

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