DW Drums launch New European Website

The New DW Drums Website.

It's been a while since I last posted a blog but just felt I had to sit down and write about this new development from DW Drums and our authorised dealership.

For many years now Drum Shop UK have been a USA custom drums dealer working with the fantastic Drum Workshop drums and myself personally owning and playing these wonderful drums for many years.

Many changes have happened over the past few months with Drum Workshop having moved stock to Germany to make it quicker and easier to access these wonderful drums within Europe. If you not aware, most DW drum kits can have lead times of up to 12 months and this can be very frustrating not just for the customer but also for ourselves as authorised DW dealers but luckily this has now changed!

As from today we currently have access to 61 Drum Workshop drum kits, yes 61... as much as I wanted to buy all of them when I saw them I held back and resisted the temptation hand selecting a few which hopefully you can see on our website;

So whats it all about? OK, what Drum Workshop and the distributor GEWA have done is  launched a website which shows you some of the stock that is ready and available now to purchase via the authorised Drum Workshop dealer. So it really is that simple simply check the website at www.dwdrums-eu.com. Click on 'Buy Here' in the top right hand corner to find out how to purchase one of these beautiful drum kits!

DW Tangerine drum kit

DW Exotic Twisted Olive

DW Pale Blue Oyster Drum Kit

DW Black Velvet Drum Kit

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