Istanbul Mehmet smashes the London Drum Show

Istanbul Mehmet made it's mark at LDS 2017!

The London Drum Show may be over for another year, but that doesn't mean we'll stop bringing you all the news and happenings from what was an absolutely brilliant weekend! 

Istanbul Mehmet Cymbals + Natal Sixty 5

We took with us a hefty amount of cool Drum Shop and RAW Drum Co merch, but we've got to say that Istanbul Mehmet cymbals were one of the stars of the show during our time at the London Drum Show! So much so we sold 70% of our Istanbul Mehmet stock within the first day! From Istanbul Mehmet El Negro to Istanbul Mehmet Tony Williams Signature cymbals, we had a vast range of cymbals that you guys just couldn't get enough of and we can't blame you they are bloody good cymbals! Drummers from up and down the country were flocking to our stand to check out the impeccably well crafted Istanbul Mehmet cymbals and we know for sure you guys weren't disappointed.

Everyone that came over to our stand will have had a whale of a time playing on some pretty cool Natal Drums but what really rounded off these kits were the Istanbul Mehmet cymbals that were with them! 

 Istanbul Mehmet cymbals are really something else!

And we weren't the only ones who were blown away by the Natal and Istanbul Mehmet combo, the guys over at Rhythm Magazine used Natal Cafe Racer and Istanbul Mehmet cymbals to create the backdrop for this 'ad' where you yourself are the cover star! Drum Shop Director Andy stepped up to the plate and doesn't he look the part, the magazine world better watch out for him! Now he's got a taste of the limelight there's no going back! Did you take part in the London Drum Show Rhythm Magazine ad? Then share your pics with us and we'll share them in our next blog post! 

Andy's got Rhythm, have you?

But don't worry if you didn't make it to the London Drum Show, we've still got plenty of Istanbul Mehmet cymbals available for you guys to purchase! One of our all time favourites are the Istanbul Mehmet Tony Williams Signature Cymbals, they are beautifully restored replicas of the late, great Tony William's cymbals from his days with the Miles Davis Quintet! To find out why we love these cymbals so much read our recent blog post all about these terrific cymbals here

It's not too late to grab yourself some Tony Williams Signature Istanbul Mehmet cymbals!

Fancy getting yourself a whole new set of cymbals? The make sure to check out ALL of our Istanbul Mehmet cymbals here. Want to see them in the flesh or learn more before you purchase? Well that's not a problem just pop into store or give us a ring on 0191 4187113 and we'll talk you through all the features and benefits of these stunning cymbals!

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