Tips For Gigging Drummers

6 Tips For An Amazing Live Show

1. List the drumming equipment you need to take!

There is nothing worse than travelling for hours to a gig, setting up your entire kit, being moments away from playing to a crowd of excited fans, and realising you're missing your bass drum pedal. List everything you need, including spare drumsticks, cymbal felts, drum keys etc.
Feel like you're forgetting something? Our accessories section has everything you will need!

2. Come Up With The Ideal Set List

Possibly one of the most important things to perfect before a gig - the set list. As well as making sure you play songs that the entire band is capable of playing, you want to ensure there are songs that your crowd will love and be able to engage with. After all, the crowd will enjoy themselves more if they like the music you are playing, and therefore will stay for longer. The set list should flow and one song lead into another smoothly and effortlessly.

3. Be sure to interact with the crowd between songs.

Talking to the crowd between songs is one of the easiest ways to engage them and keep them interested in your music. pointing or singling out people in the crowd makes them feel like they are part of the show and makes it more fun for everyone.

4. Stay fresh.

It's easy to get caught up in the moment and feel worse for wear the morning after - it happens to the best of us! The problem comes when you realise you're gigging back to back and you can't drag yourself out of bed to go to your next gig. The trick many drummers swear by on nights like that, is recovery and revitalisation drinks, such as Afterhol. Totally natural and absolutely effective, Afterhol uses ingredients such as pineapple and orange juice, prickly pear, milk thistle, a vitamin complex and a bespoke blend of electrolytes to give you that boost that lets you do the most with the morning after! So you can go on to your next gig feeling as fresh as you did the night before!

5. Record your gigs!

Recording your gigs is one of the best ways to improve your set, by reviewing and critiquing your performance, and improving whatever went wrong or could have been done better. As well as that, recording your live performances and posting them on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube is a cheap and easy way to gain more fans who can view your shows and attend one of your gigs! It is also a great way of encouraging existing fans to buy tickets to see you again, when they are reminded of the experience of the first time!

6. Have fun!

The most important part of gigging is to just have fun! Once you are up on that stage take the pressure off yourself and just enjoy the experience.

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