Craviotto Private Reserve Solid Walnut/Sycamore 14" x 6.5" Snare Drum w/ Walnut In-Lays & 45' Edges
Available with 0% Finance please phone or email for more information.
Craviotto’s esteemed Private Reserve collection represents the pinnacle of our craft. Saul worked hand-in-hand with Johnny over many years and understands what the Private Reserve line truly represents. Only Saul can deem each masterpiece "Private Reserve worthy". Due to Craviotto's strict specifications, only the rarest and unique boards make the cut. Craviotto is only able to produce extremely limited quantities each year adding to the Private Reserve’s mystique, collectability, and demand.
Each instrument is constructed from a single, solid board of hand-selected premium grade hardwood. Along with Johnny’s unique bending process, they cure and hand finish each shell to ensure strength, stability, and unparalleled performance.
Johnny Craviotto didn't only start the worlds's most renowned drum company, he was also a respected drummer and teacher in his own right. While he was alive, he worked tirelessly to achieve the perfect hand constructed drum and his same team continue to build the instruments using the exactly same methods as they did when they worked under his his guidance.
- Wood: Walnut/Sycamore
- Edges: 45 Degrees
- In-Lay: Walnut
- Craviotto Tube Lugs
- Multi Step Trick Throw Off
- Craviotto Logo Badge
- Craviotto Logo Head
- Warranty Tag, and Drum Key Included
- 14" x 6.5"